21/06/2024 Cycling Nutrition Done Right: Gels, Bars and More for 2024
You've been cycling for a while now, and you know proper nutrition and hydration are crucial. But with so many products out there - gels, bars, drinks, tabs - how do you choose what's best for your rides? You want something that tastes good, works well, and is easy to use. In this article, we'll walk through the key nutrition and hydration products designed for cyclists. We'll talk taste, effectiveness, and convenience. You'll learn how to fuel up in the easiest, most delicious way possible. We'll help you figure out your perfect mix of gels, bars, mixes, tabs, and recovery drinks. You'll be ready to take on those long rides and intense sessions without bonking. So read on for the complete guide to dialling in your cycling nutrition once and for all in 2024.

Must-Have Cycling Nutrition Products for 2024

Fuel Your Ride

You know the drill - proper nutrition is key for peak cycling performance. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right fuel for your rides? Never fear, we've got you covered with the must-have cycling nutrition products for 2024.

First up, energy gels. These compact pouches pack a powerful punch of fast-acting carbs to keep your legs churning. Look for gels with a mix of glucose and fructose for optimal absorption. Top picks include the new Organic Fuel Gel from Brand X and the cult-favorite Gu Energy Gel.

Bars for Bite-Sized Energy

When you need something a little more substantial, energy bars are your best friend. The latest crop offers a tasty blend of complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats to sustain you through those epic rides. Two standouts: the plant-based Peanut Butter Zen Bar from Upstart Company and the tried-and-true Clif Bar in new flavors like Chocolate Brownie and Blueberry Crisp.

Hydration, Amplified

Proper hydration is just as crucial as fueling. Upgrade your water bottle game with electrolyte tablets that dissolve into a thirst-quenching, sodium-replenishing drink. Nuun and Skratch Labs reign supreme here. Or try a hydration mix like Tailwind Nutrition for an all-in-one carb and electrolyte solution.

Recover Like a Pro

Don't forget the final piece - recovery nutrition to repair muscles and restock glycogen stores post-ride. Chocolate milk remains a classic, but 2024 will see more specialized recovery drinks packed with protein, antioxidants, and amino acids like Recoverite from Hammer Nutrition. Your future self will thank you!

So fuel up, hydrate smart, and recover strong with these cycling nutrition MVPs. Your watts will soar in no time!

Testing the Top New Energy Gels and Hydration Mixes

You're out on a long ride, pedalling hard as the miles tick by. As your energy levels start to dip, you reach for that trusty gel or mix to give you a boost. But which ones really work best?

The Gel Test

We put 10 of the newest energy gels through their paces. Easy to consume and rapidly digested, these concentrated carb bombs are cycling nutrition staples.

Our favourites? SiS GO Isotonic Energy Gel scored top marks for its light texture and natural flavours like apple and lemon. Maurten Gel 100 also impressed with its unique hydrogel formula that goes down smooth.

On the downside, some gels like PowerBar PowerGel felt overly thick and sickly sweet after a few hours.

Hydration Mixes Reviewed

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially on scorching summer rides. We tested the latest hydration tablet and powder mixes to replace those electrolytes lost through sweat.

Nuun Sport tablets fizzed up nicely, providing a tasty burst of flavour. The Low Sugar Lemon Lime hit the spot without being too sweet. Precision Hydration's 1500 mix also kept us sipping happily with its light, natural taste.

Overly artificial flavours like Tropical Punch from Gatorade Endurance let some mixes down. And thicker, gloopy textures made them harder to get down at times.

The Verdict

In the world of cycling nutrition, personal taste plays a huge role. But our top picks delivered a winning combo of effective fuel, easy consumption and natural, non-sickly flavours to keep you powering over the miles.


Fueling Your Rides: Bars, Gels, Drink Mixes and More

Pocket-Sized Power Snacks

When you're out pounding the pedals, the last thing you want is to bonk from running out of fuel. That's why energy bars and gels are essential for any lengthy ride. These pocket-sized morsels pack a concentrated punch of easily digestible carbs to keep your engine revving.

Don't knock gels until you've tried them - the textures and flavours have come a long way. From chewy delights to gooey fruity blasts, there's bound to be one that suits your taste buds. And bars? The perfect mix of crunch and chew to satisfy any hanger pangs.

Stay Hydrated, Ride Harder

Proper hydration is key for optimal performance, especially on sweltering summer rides. Electrolyte drink mixes dissolve into your water bottle, replenishing those essential salts you sweat out. Look for mixes with a light, refreshing taste to make chugging easier.

For longer endurance efforts, consider drinks with a carb blend to steadily refuel your glycogen stores. Just be sure to practice your nutrition strategy on training rides first. Nothing new on race day!

Recovery Starts Now

You put your body through the ringer, now it's time to recharge those depleted batteries. Whey or plant-based recovery drinks deliver protein and carbs in the optimal 3:1 ratio to kick start muscle repair and replenishment.

For a more substantial snack, grab a recovery bar packed with wholesome ingredients like nuts, seeds and dried fruit. The boost of antioxidants can help reduce inflammation from tough rides.


So there you have it. With a bit of experimenting, you can find the perfect nutrition and hydration products to fuel your rides and support your recovery. Don't be afraid to try different brands and flavors until you discover which gels, bars, mixes and supplements work best for your body and tastebuds. Proper nutrition and hydration is key to performing at your peak and staying healthy. Just remember to start slow with any new products before using them on long rides or races. With the right fueling plan, you'll be pedalling stronger and recovering faster than ever this year. Now get out there, try something new, and have an epic season!